Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Tuesday Tid Bits 04.08.14


- Jude has never been a worse sleeper. Mikey and I are sporting some nice bags underneath our eyes as a result. He has always been great at sleeping (we’ve used the Baby Wise schedule) so this past week we’ve had a wake up call (pun intended) for how spoiled we have been. I’m assuming it is teething. He got his first two teeth over a month ago so he is probably due for some more. He loves getting his teeth brushed. I say, “Ahhhh zebenya benizenama” (there is probably a 99% chance you sing it differently) and he opens his mouth up wide for a good scrub, smiling all the while.

- Many know that Jude has been coughing for attention for months now. He learned dangerously early on how to ‘work it’ to get attention. Right now he just thinks it is funny and it makes him smile when I react to his coughs but I am trying to get out of the habit of giving him too much attention when he does it because I don’t want him to be one of those kids that constantly says, “Moooom, I’m siiiick.”

- Jude had his first little fever. Mamma hit the books on how best to treat it and we kicked it to the curb quickly. Likely another sign of teething.

- Jude and mom have been starting each day off with some Michael Jackson and dancing in the kitchen. Your day cannot go wrong when it is begun with the King of Pop, folks. Man he is good.

Arianna & Michael
- I mixed melted chocolate with some of Jude’s baby food and (no, I did not feed it to him!) put it in one of his diapers. I then placed it in Michael’s underwear drawer and waited in anticipation for him to find it as he exclaimed, “Oh, what the heck?” T’was a classless April Fools joke.

- Last night I went to a Cardio Barre class with one of my girlfriends, Mallory. It is a ballet infused cardio workout and it is owie. However it feels good to exercise so much self-discipline that you wake up hurting head to toe the next day (OK, let’s be honest, I was hurting the second I left the class).

- We had a family movie night on the living room floor and our little Juders passed out between the mamma and daddy. We had a good family sandwich snuggle.

- We were naughty and went on a milk shake run late last night. We sat in the car as we talked and ate them and Jude snoozed in the backseat. 

- We spent time with our friends Camille and Dustin Wiggins last Thursday. We ate homemade sushi and ended the night with live violin music courtesy of Camille and a not-so-authentic/interpretation of an Irish jig by Michael. Haha The following night we joined Kamille and Brandon Bonnet for some yummy Belgium waffles.

- As always, Arianna has a big crush on Michael.


  1. Hahah! I love it! Love the April Fool's joke and your last tidbit. :)
    Also, I never even knew when Paxton was teething unless he woke up during the night. He slept through the night unless he was teething. I would just get him some tylenol and rock him back to sleep, let him cry it out, or gave him a bottle (I know, a big no no, but hey, when you're tired it is worth it. :)) Good luck figuring things out. I also figured out giving him tylenol before bed and putting orajel gel on his gums helped him sleep better when teething. I can't remember if he still woke up during the night, but I don't think he did. Or at least not as much.

    1. Kaylee thanks for the advice! We have taken it! I have no idea whats going on with the little guy. Last night we just let him cry it out, which is the worst! But we've got to get him out of the habit because zombie parents are just no good. haha I hope you and your sweet family is doing fantastic! We send our love!
