Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday Tid Bits 05.20.15


-       = I just created what I am calling our “Marry Poppins Bag” (Michael refers to it as the “Barney Bag”) for Jude and the only person who loves it more then him is me! I took a carpet bag of sorts and walked around the house throwing whatever I could find that was
A) Baby friendly
B) Not commonly used, needed, or would be missed too much and
C) Interesting to an 8 month old (but what isn’t?)


This bag buys me so much time to get things done with, get this, two hands! I sit Jude on the ground and put our Marry Poppins Bag in front of him and he gets to learn and explore while mamma does what she needs to.

-       = Little Juders has allergies. Darn it. Sorry son, that’s all me. Whether or not I should, I keep feeling like I need to explain to everyone we come in contact with that he has a cold/allergies and that is why his eyes are puffy and red and he has a slight rash around his mouth with a runny nose, not because we don’t take care of him. Poor thing. He is currently taking his nap on top of me (man is he getting bigger) and doing little sniffely snores.

-       = We successfully left him for longer then 45 minuets to attend a wedding and luncheon without him doing the “Where is my mamma?!” panic attack. Woohoo!!!
While shoes are always a battle, he is thankfully much more patient with hats. :)
Michael and Arianna

-       = We did our weekly saunter-though-some-fabulous-neighborhood-we-will-someday-live walk. We adore the area we live in (Holladay/Sugarhouse) and it only takes a matter of minuets to get to a flat out charming and picture-perfect neighborhood where we unload the stroller and go for a walk down the tree lined streets, pretending that we live there and talking occasionally to who we hope to someday be our neighbors. J

I’ve always wanted to live in an older historic home with big trees where I can create my English inspired home and garden. I blame it on my mother who used to work for a non-profit that saved/restored historic properties in Utah that were in danger of being torn down. Starting from a young age I would be a tour guide with her for Salt Lake City’s Parade of Historic Homes.

Anyways, the area is pricey, even for a home that will need a lot of work. But it’s on my bucket list people! I try not to be high maintenance or hard to please but, I HAVE TO HAVE MY VICTORIAN HOME WITH MY ENGLISH GARDEN! As for when, I am flexible, just as long as it happens. J

- I attended my best friend’s wedding. I cried a lot. It’s safe to say I was happy. She married her high school sweetheart so there were several kids we went to school with there. Super weird to see them all married with kids. I didn’t think I would be in that club yet too (at least with the kid part) but  obviously I am happy I am. I mean, have you seen the kid?!

- Some of you may know that we are living in the same townhomes that I spent the first 4 years of my life in (they are thankfully completely updated and renovated:). Jude has been born into and blessed in the same church house as I was and will spend the first few years of his own life running around collecting snails in the same yard I did. The park in the picture below was what as a child I referred to as "My Park". My dad and I would always get an Orange Bang at the 7/11 and then go play and skip stones at "My Park". It was so fun to take Jude last Saturday. He is too young for slurpees now but someday soon we will sip our Orange Bang and skip stones. 
You know you are maturing when you publicly post a particularly bad, makeup-less photo of yourself for the sake of preserving a memory. Something I would never have done as a young(er) adult. :) 

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