Tuesday, September 10, 2013

DIY Lamp Makeover

I have a thing for lighting. You could call me a lighting snob. When we moved into our first apartment it had terrible fluorescent lighting units in the kitchen. Who wants to come home from the office to feel like they are still at the office? So being on a budget, we just purchased the typical coned floor lamps you can get at Walmart or IKEA for $7 or less. Having since upgraded to our town home, we got rid of most of them but I kept one for the nursery and gave it a makeover. And while this one is all decked out for a little boy’s nursery, you can use the same concept of replacing the top cone with an actual lampshade for any space. Here is how:

What You Need:
Lampshade (you can always try your luck at a thrift store)
Ribbon & hot glue gun (optional)
Spray paint (If you want the stand something other than black)

How To:
(The how-to hardly needs an explanation. It’s easy.)

1. On the lampshade, make a simple design using two different colors of ribbon. Hot-glue the end of each to the inside of the shade.
2. Spray paint the base and stand of the lamp, including the cord.   

3. Place the shade on top of the stand and wallah! 

Total Cost: 
$15-20 dollars. That is an $80 dollar difference from the “nicer” floor lamps you can get at Walmart or Target like this one that is priced at $96 at Walmart:

Maybe I'm biased but I like my $15 dollar one better:)


1 comment:

  1. Good for you Arianna! I am about to refurbish a $10 Goodwill Store lamp. Like what you did much better than the Walmart or IKEA versions too!
