Friday, November 1, 2013

The Mevs Halloween Costume

Throughout my childhood Halloween was full of just as much magic as Christmas. My mother filled our home with fabulous DIY decorations, deviled eggs turned into eyeball treats, costumes were planned 12 months in advanced, Oingo Boingo's "It's a Dead Man's Party" was the soundtrack to our night, and it was always shared with good friends and family. It hurts my heart when people say they hate Halloween. The chances are good they haven't had the right experience with it and if you are a Halloween hater, I would love to invite you to be my guest this next Halloween so I can show you how it's done, the right way. :)
OK but my FAVORITE part of Halloween is of course the costumes. I love that we all come together and mutually participate in embracing each other's weirdness. Dressing up has only become better since A) I got married and B) had a baby. Please enjoy this year's costumes:

The Princess, the Pea, and the Mattress. 

Halloween 2013

Michael Jackson Before and After
Halloween 2012

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Love Letter / Memory Box

Before I got married I made a box for all my most-special things. All my most-special things in that box are letters, notes, and trinkets from my best friend; my husband. In a day in age where most of the sweet things we say to each other get lost in texts, emails, and over social media, I like the idea of having a box specifically meant to put our written expressions of love in over the years. Because when all is said and done, our children and grandchildren will not be able to know of our love for each other if it is lost in cyberspace, nor will we be able to remind ourselves.

I believe it would benefit every couple to make a memory box specifically for their own love story and then commit to each other to fill it throughout their marriage. An empty box serves as a good reminder that perhaps you should invest a little time in leaving a written expression of love for your sweetheart.

A love letter box would serve as a great wedding gift, Valentines gift or romantic sentiment to give to your partner for any occasion or no occasion at all. 

Note: You don’t have to limit yourself to JUST handwritten notes. Print off those emails or write out sweet texts and put them in the box!

Making your special box special:
(This one I made for a friend to begin her marriage with)

What you need:
  • A sturdy box (Could be a shoe box, hat box, or something you pick up at a craft store)
  • Mod Podge 
  • Paint brush (I like to use the ones with the foam wedge)
  • Pictures (These could be engagement pictures, wedding pictures, postcards, magazine cut outs etc. For this box I cut out a bunch of pictures from some Victorian calendars I bought a couple years ago)

It’s Easy!
Using your paint brush, apply a layer of mod podge to the surface of the box and attach your pictures. Apply a few coats of mod podge over the top of all the pictures. I added a little angel detail on the inside of this box for fun.

Might just be one of the best DIY projects you could ever do! It has certainly been one of my favorites. 

Monday, September 30, 2013

The Beginning of Us: Imperfectly Perfect

Early Labor:

After two weeks of every home remedy you can think of to induce labor (aside from Castrol oil) it only took two hours for my contractions to become 2 minutes apart and last 1 minute each. Ouch. We were told after an ultrasound 2 days previous that because I was carrying so much water my contractions would be harder, as it irritates things more. So I had Mikey running around making last minute preparations as I sat in bed and tried not to die. And as badly as those contractions hurt I was still willing to wait for Michael to change the shirt he had donned in a hurry to something more daddy-to-be-appropriate as per my request (he had thrown on my least favorite shirt that I refer to as his “Single Californian Bachelor Screen Tee”).

Waiting until a contraction passed and leaving the bed unmade which yes, really bothered my mommy nesting instincts which wanted everything perfect to bring my baby home to, I waddled to the car and we drove the route we had practiced many times before to the hospital. At this point, it was 2:00 a.m.

The Hospital:

After waiting for the elevator for far too long, security let us in, put me in a wheelchair and took me to what I wish I could say was relief, but alas, no, took me rather to answer 943080229340 questions despite the fact I had made it a point to make absolute sure we had pre-registered. “Pre-registered” really means nothing people. That whole process took double the time it should have seeing I was unable to do anything besides focus on not passing out through my contractions; for those 60 seconds speaking was not even an option.

Luckily I was dilated, thinned, and effaced enough (vocab I had fortunately become familiar with in our birthing classes) to be kept and attended to. Did I receive an epidural when asked if I would like one? Why yes. Yes I did. Will I ever, ever regret that decision? My friends, no I will not. And I might add that the epidural is not only to put women out of pain, it is to put the husbands of those women out of pain too. Michael was very grateful for my decision and was possibly almost as relieved as I was once the magic had kicked in.

Pushing and the Unplanned:

Around 3:00 p.m. (unprompted by myself, my family and most of my extended family had already been waiting in the waiting room since 11:00 that morning, no pressure!) I was dilated enough to start pushing. I was doing great and his little hair-covered head quickly made progress. And then he stopped making progress. The nurse got the doctor who was standing in for my usual OB. After telling me how nice my legs were which yes, you might say is awkward but what a compliment coming from a man who looks at dozens of women’s legs every day of his life! Hahaha, and looking into things further, he declared this baby was not going to come any further, not matter how hard I tried to push him out. My frame/build was just too small. I would need a c-section and quickly because I had lost a lot of fluid already.

I was at peace with that. It was ok. I had always wondered if I was too petite for natural-birth and had inquired it of my OB who seemed confident it would be fine. But it wasn’t. And that was OK.

Hell to Heaven:

They rushed me into a freezing cold room and started pumping me full of medication. (Why in the world do they keep that room so cold? It’s like, “Ok so before we cut you open, please feel free to wait anxiously in this terribly uncomfortable room and freeze to death in your paper thin hospital gown.” It’s just rude). Because this wasn’t my usual doctor, nobody knew that I was a light-weight when it came to drugs. I’ve always reacted completely abnormally to heavy pain medications. My body started convulsing but I was unable to communicate. Thinking I was having an anxiety attack, they began pumping me full of more medication to combat my reactions, only making things worse. Poor Michael had to help the anesthesiologist hold my flailing arms down, which I had absolutely no control over. I have very little memory of what went on, fortunately. I do remember pulling out of it for long enough to hear my baby cry. Remembering that still makes me cry. He sounded so perfect. But I couldn’t force my eyes open to see him. I wasn’t able to meet him until I was in the recovery room. 

The doctor began squeezing an IV full of water with his hands to dilute the medication I was on as soon as possible, as I was still completely out of it.  I remember my mother in the room, crying. She was scared of how I was reacting. I remember wishing I could snap out of it because I didn’t like that she was so worried. But I couldn’t.  Eventually the drugs began to wear off enough I could take in a little more of what was going on around me. I heard my mother say, “He is hungry”, referring to my son. And finally able to speak I said, “I can try”.

She handed him to me and suddenly I was brought back to earth. Everything clicked as I looked into his face. My baby. The fog lifted and everything was right and I was so filled with love for him. There is nothing like that. I’ve never experienced anything like it at all. As cute as my husband is I definitely didn’t feel overwhelmed with love upon first seeing him. That took time. Haha Though admittedly, not very much time. Yet here was this little boy I hadn’t ever met previously but he was everything to me instantly.

I was able to feed him and he fed perfectly. We spent lots of time skin to skin and I just soaked him up. Love.

So was it an ideal birth? No. But it was still perfect and there is no way I’ll allow myself to feel otherwise. Even though I could focus on the fact that had I been born 150 years ago who knows if I would ever had had that baby; something women are just supposed to be able to do, or that despite everything taught in my child birthing classes I wasn’t able to have skin to skin contact with him immediately after birth, or feed him within his first half hour, or have my husband cut the umbilical cord, or have those precious pictures with tear filled eyes holding my goopey baby fresh out of the womb. Nope. None of it matters. Because right now my perfect baby is sleeping next to me and he is everything and because I’m a momma. And that is what matters.
The Beginning of Us has been imperfectly perfect.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

DIY Lamp Makeover

I have a thing for lighting. You could call me a lighting snob. When we moved into our first apartment it had terrible fluorescent lighting units in the kitchen. Who wants to come home from the office to feel like they are still at the office? So being on a budget, we just purchased the typical coned floor lamps you can get at Walmart or IKEA for $7 or less. Having since upgraded to our town home, we got rid of most of them but I kept one for the nursery and gave it a makeover. And while this one is all decked out for a little boy’s nursery, you can use the same concept of replacing the top cone with an actual lampshade for any space. Here is how:

What You Need:
Lampshade (you can always try your luck at a thrift store)
Ribbon & hot glue gun (optional)
Spray paint (If you want the stand something other than black)

How To:
(The how-to hardly needs an explanation. It’s easy.)

1. On the lampshade, make a simple design using two different colors of ribbon. Hot-glue the end of each to the inside of the shade.
2. Spray paint the base and stand of the lamp, including the cord.   

3. Place the shade on top of the stand and wallah! 

Total Cost: 
$15-20 dollars. That is an $80 dollar difference from the “nicer” floor lamps you can get at Walmart or Target like this one that is priced at $96 at Walmart:

Maybe I'm biased but I like my $15 dollar one better:)


Monday, September 2, 2013

DIY Paper Fan Art

I’ve had this idea for years and have wanted to try it out; my nursery was the perfect opportunity. Paper fan art is a cost-effective way to make a big statement in a room and add some great color.

My fan collage doubles as a great wall-piece in addition to serving as a mobile because while my baby is laying in his crib, he looks to the side and sees a stimulating collage of  colors and shapes. While the idea works great for a nursery, it can be used anywhere for anything!

What You Need:

Glue stick
Glue gun
Small tacks or nails

How To:

Select your paper.
I went to a scrapbook store and picked up a handful of papers that I thought went well together and matched my pre-existing colors. For the larger fans, buy a couple sheets of the same paper. Keep in mind that the thicker the paper, the harder it will be to fold.

Fold, fold, fold.
You can decide how big the fan will be by either folding the entire page (just like you did when you were in elementary school to make those fabulous fans) and then gluing it to another whole sheet of folded paper or by folding the entire page and then cutting it in half or even in quarters to attach to another folded half or quarter.

Glue folds together.
Glue the end fold of one page onto the next piece of fan paper’s end fold. Once you have enough length, glue the last fold of what now looks like an accordion to the fold of the first fan to make a complete circle.

Hot glue middle.
To prevent the circular fan from popping up like a tent, hot glue the center together on the backside to hold it in place and keep flat.

Give it some character.
You can give your fans some extra pizzazz by cutting a fun trim around the outside or hole-punching circles or shapes into it. You can also layer a smaller fan over the center of a larger fan to make it more three-dimensional and play with color combinations.

Attach to the wall.
I used very small nails to attach each fan to the wall but low-profile tacks and push-pins would probably prove easier.

Total Cost: $12

Friday, August 30, 2013

DIY Glider

Does the glider on the left look at all familiar to you? Chances are if you were a child of the 80’s or 90’s you spent a great deal of time being rocked in one of these lovelies by your mother. I found one at a thrift store for $15.00 and decided to take the challenge on of making it look beautiful (it was already wonderfully comfortable).

                                        Before                                                             After

How To

What you need:
·      Low-grade sandpaper
·      3 cans spray paint
·      At least 2.5 yards fabric
·      Staple gun or small nails

  Sand it.
I didn’t take this too seriously because there were so many parts and it would have taken a long time had I decided to be a perfectionist and get every nook and cranny. I did this by hand with a low-grade sandpaper.

  Paint it. 
     Because there are many parts, I opted for spray paint. The spray paint I used was primer + paint and I ended up using about 3 cans. Whether or not you are an expecting mamma, make sure you are in a well-ventilated room when painting!
  Upholster it.
Unless you absolutely adore the nostalgia of the 90’s fabric, you will probably want to consider re-upholstering the cushions. It’s easy.

·      My cushions were in good shape and clean so instead of buying new foam, I just washed them in the washer after removing the old fabric. The back cushion may require a little unpicking.
·      Purchase a heavy fabric that will wear well with lots of late-night rocking. I found that Hobby Lobby has darling prints in duck fabric (name of fabric) as well as in their specialty home décor fabric. For the back cushion, seat cushion, and ottoman you will need no more then 2 1/2 yards, but check the size of your cushions first before purchasing.
·      For the back cushion and seat cushion:
Place the old fabric on the backside of your new fabric and trace lightly with a marker, giving yourself at least a 1 inch seam allowance. Then cut along your trace mark. Double up the fabric when you do this so you end up with 2 identical pieces.

·      Sew the two pieces together with the front sides of the fabric together and the backside
      of the fabric facing out. Do not sew the back seam yet.
·      Turn right-side in so front of fabric is now facing out and put cushion in.
·      Turn in the raw edges of the remaining side and sew together.

·      For the back cushion, I sewed a ribbon to tie to the glider so it would remain in place.

·      For the ottoman:
Pull fabric tightly over the top of the cushion and nail or staple the fabric to the underside of the seat. I just left the old fabric on and stapled the new fabric over the top.

Total Cost: 40.00 + the bonus of bragging rights and mamma feel-goods