Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Tuesday Tid Bits 07.29.14

The pieces of our life I choose to include on our family's blog are nothing out of the ordinary but I wake up each day excited to see what will happen next as a mamma and wife. Our lives are filled with ordinary blessings that when put all together, make up one pretty extraordinary life. :)

Little Jude Michael is doing lots of big boy things!

We officially have too much hair to do this hair-do. haha

- Jude has started to try to say “Jesus” when we show him a picture of Christ. When he is a monkey in Sunday School (which he consistently is) we walk around the halls and look at all the paintings of Christ. Not positive how to do this whole 3 hours with a 10-month-old thing. He doesn’t care for toys; they just don’t keep his attention. All he wants to do is explore. I don’t know, I am trying to figure that one out. 

- He will “share” whatever he is playing with by holding it up to my mouth like, “Do you want to slobber on this too mom?”

- He does this face where he will roll his eyes back in his head and tilt it forward until his forehead is touching yours. It’s his way of playing and making mom laugh without fail every time. When we talk to grandma or daddy on the phone he will do it to the phone like he knows they are in there and he is acknowledging them.

- When Jude wants you to pick him up and love him he will crawl to you then pat your feet while looking up with those beautiful brown eyes. Let me tell you that it works like a charm. 

Little sickie Jude, smiling despite. 
We've got two big stuffed animal monkeys in Jude's room that each have their own chair and it often looks like some sad accident happened because Jude will pull them down so they are limply strewn across the floor. 
- You know when you love someone so much that they can't be physically close enough to you? Well this Mobby Wrap is as good as it gets! Best feeling in the world to have your baby snuggled so close. And happily, Jude LOVES it too. He is as happy as a clam for as long as he is in it. 

I work with the young women as my church calling and Jude consistently gets kidnapped anytime we do activities with them. :) To be adored by beautiful girls on a regular basis is really doing lots for his little baby ego. :)
- We went to BYU-Idaho’s Dance Alliance performance with two of my dance girlfriends. There is something different about dance friends then other friends. I think that I am more uninhibited around them, which probably has to do with the gobs of hours spent at one time with each other, lack of personal space (dancers don’t have much of a bubble, OK they have NO bubble) and the fact that we are all artsy. We just get weird. That’s what it comes down to. I miss them.

- Jude watched the hour and a half-long dance performance the entire time and danced with his arms flailing and legs a-bouncin. I guess he was destined to love dancing being that I danced for the majority of my pregnancy and we have dance parties at our house most every single day. He LOVES dancing and watching others dance. I showed him some Michael Jackson music videos the other day and he was glued and kept giggling happy giggles. Michael and I think that we will put him in hip hop someday.

- Jude loves birds and just like his Great Grandpa Jones (avid bird watcher) he is really good at spotting them. Even the smallest bird sitting stationary on a fence will be spotted by baby Jude.  So I took him to the aviary and he really loved that.

- Michael is doing AWESOME with his health goals. He is looking FINE. I have some of my own goals that I have been able to keep up with as well and am feeling really good about my bod and overall health. Woohoo! I have had to learn to like exercise because my whole life I have been spoiled with dance and I don’t get to do it 6 days a week a few hours each day like I used to (for obvious reasons:). However I have been teaching contemporary again and have started taking a Zumba class (lots of fun!).

Jude has become impossible to put a diaper on and change! This is what Michael resorted to, to get this baby to hold still long enough for a diaper change. haha

- Michael got a new calling in our family ward in the Elder’s Quorum presidency. He is going to miss teaching those 11 year-old boys. They LOVE him. And for 11 year-old boys to openly show that they love anything, let alone anyONE, is a pretty big deal.

At one of my favorite nurseries, Cactus and Tropicals, collecting little things for my kitchen window garden. This place brings me inner peace. 
I was watching a class I am going to be taking over in fall and my friend's son was making Jude laugh hysterically. Jude wanted to climb the stairs like he was. It is so funny to see how he already identifies with and looks up to older boys. 

Just being a busy boy. 
This is what Jude looks like when he has to go shopping with mamma and her friend Kamille. :)

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