Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Tuesday Tid Bits 06.10.14


Please enjoy a selection of action clips and photos of Jude and his new tricks and quirks. :)

Already starting to go places. :)
Jude playing peek-a-boo. He instigated this all on his own.

Jude loves getting grandma and her hair.

Jude has been here! haha Grandma is a good sport to sacrifice her hair for Jude's enjoyment, that hair takes a long time to do, there is a lot of it! 
He's standing and good at it, even with those little chicken legs! 

Rolling, and rolling, and rolling some more just because we can. :) 

- Over the weekend we spent some time exploring the city we live in. We found an old bookstore that had been there for ages and will likely smell of books until the end of time (adore that). I fell in love with this old book entitled “Gnomes”. It included the history of the fantastical species, their remedies, dwellings, how to spot their trails, and more. The little girl inside of me wanted to take that book up the mountain and do some Gnome hunting right away!

- We tried a new restaurant called The Neapolitan. The atmosphere inside was fantastic and I was being a nerd over how much I loved all of their light fixtures. It had a re-purposed industrial design. Really cool. Even the bathroom was beautiful. We sat out on the street and enjoyed the summer day and I ordered a margherita pizza to see how it would compare with the one I had in the supposed birth place of the pizza, Naples, Italy. I haven’t had a pizza that came close since that trip and as I had my first bite I was immediately transported back to that warm, little fresco painted restaurant with lots of happy, drinking Italians eating yummy pizza. Success.

- We found a nature area in the middle of the city called Hidden Hollow. Tree fluff was falling from the sky and covering the ground, making it look like a snowy summer scene. Jude put his little toes in it.

- It was Grandpa Fender’s 47th birthday this week. 47!? I guess he has been 43 in my head for the past 4 years because I was pretty surprised when I was told. Probably still younger and better looking than 99% of my friend’s dads so nobody can complain. ;) My sister made him a sea turtle birthday cake. Whenever dad swims off of the beaches of Hawaii the sea turtles show up and float with him. As a result he has developed a bond with them and it didn’t take more than one of those experiences for them to quickly become his favorite animal. 

- I, like every other normal person, think baby feet and hands are the sweetest. However, there is one thing that gets my need-to-squeeze-the-baby-hard really going and that is my child’s bum, or as we call them in our house, his pompies. So, in effort to always remember just how stinkin' cute those little pompies are, I created a very nontraditional keepsake that goes beyond the ink pad foot and hand print, a bum print! Haha It’s safe to say it was an exciting day in our kitchen but I am sure that it is not the most unusual thing that will take place there. Haha Here’s to the cutest little booty around! 

Because when you can get your photo taken with a giant dog and cat, why not?

Snuggles with our always freezing, even in June, grandma. 
The family dog, Emmett, is a very naughty and artistic doggy. He stole this off the table and left it looking like this, on standing on it's side. haha 

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