Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Tuesday Tid Bits - 04/01/14

In effort to be better about documenting our little Jude and our family, I have decided to set aside time each Tuesday for little updates. While these will mainly be for us to look back on, we of coarse want to share them with those friends and family who care to keep updated also. Here’s to hoping I can keep this up! Michael and I are grateful for you and your support and love. 

- When I nurse Jude in the early morning (5 am to be exact) he will reach his little hand up and play with my lips while I am trying to sleep. He thinks the sound they make is entertaining.

- There is something about grandpa Fender’s nose that is irresistible. Whenever grandpa holds him, Jude opens his mouth and goes right after it to give it a nice bite. He consistently does this with grandpa but nobody else.

- He gives the BEST hugs! He buries his little head in the crook of your neck, throws his arms around your shoulders and squeezes. He gives these to his mom and dad and most recently his grandparents.

- He has started various foods but mostly just eats to humor me. Still prefers mamma’s milk over all and I completely don’t mind. I love that time with him. However, nursing 6 times a day and feeding him 3 meals is a lot of work! I was fine to wait as late as I could to start feeding him solids. haha

- At our 6 month check-up the pediatrician told us he is average in height but lean (we never got the baby rolls, his legs are actually quite muscly). He is healthy and she told us he is a very beautiful, happy baby (which we already knew but is nice to hear from someone who looks at babies all day long:).

- Taught a contemporary class for the past couple weeks. It feels so good to choreograph and move like that again. My soul is happy, my body hurts, life is good.

- Started on completing the Personal Progress program again in Young Women’s and finished my first value. I told Michael he has to buy me something pretty if I finish the whole thing. :) I’ve wanted to do this again for a while and since having received a calling as a Mia Maids advisor I felt now was a great time to start! My goal is to finish it by next year. This year my main focus is on reading the entire Standard Works (Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon, Pearl of Great Price). 650 pages down, so far so good.

- Woke up the other morning to find a TON of ants gathering in the kitchen. I decided I would vacuum them up because I didn’t know what else to do with so many. As I started to do so the vacuum just spit them right back out, spraying them everywhere including right up my pants. So I’ll go ahead and say it: I had ants in my pants. Which led to ant bites. That was terrible. And I don’t think I deserved that being that I clean those floors practically daily. 

- Was surprised to get a calling to teach the 11 year-old boys. He had been teaching elder's quorum (incredible teacher). Michael has a gift for story telling, especially telling the stories in the scriptures, which he has a profound knowledge of. He will no doubt help instill in those boys a love for the scriptures also.

- He is on a sweet potato kick. Though Jude is not, he hates sweet potatoes.

- Working on starting his Administrator’s License.

- Consistently the best husband and father ever. If anyone ever wonders what the secret to happiness is, we could take Michael as a great case study (I think we could all agree he is one of the happier people we’ve ever met). The answer is this: be kind, put others first, focus on the good and never the bad. Not a single, single day goes by where I don’t think to myself “Dang Arianna, you are a lucky girl.”

* Elder Fender
- Alex is now working in the Mission Office and is a District Leader. He works really hard each day to get his office duties done so he can go out and proselyte. 

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