Friday, November 1, 2013

The Mevs Halloween Costume

Throughout my childhood Halloween was full of just as much magic as Christmas. My mother filled our home with fabulous DIY decorations, deviled eggs turned into eyeball treats, costumes were planned 12 months in advanced, Oingo Boingo's "It's a Dead Man's Party" was the soundtrack to our night, and it was always shared with good friends and family. It hurts my heart when people say they hate Halloween. The chances are good they haven't had the right experience with it and if you are a Halloween hater, I would love to invite you to be my guest this next Halloween so I can show you how it's done, the right way. :)
OK but my FAVORITE part of Halloween is of course the costumes. I love that we all come together and mutually participate in embracing each other's weirdness. Dressing up has only become better since A) I got married and B) had a baby. Please enjoy this year's costumes:

The Princess, the Pea, and the Mattress. 

Halloween 2013

Michael Jackson Before and After
Halloween 2012